康复咨询 | 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台



  1. Complete the FREE online application: 一旦您的申请表被处理,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含您的申请门户登录凭据和提交补充材料的说明,如下所列.
  2. 论文: In two to three double-spaced pages, 请描述对你的领域产生兴趣的重要生活经历, 你对这个领域的理解, 你的职业目标, and why you have chosen 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站. 
  3. 简历: Please include any college activities, out-of-school leadership experiences, 工作经历, 和社区参与来支持你的兴趣或研究生学习的资格. 
  4. 两封推荐信: 两封来自教师或直接主管的推荐信:推荐人将在您提交申请时收到一封电子邮件,并且可以将您的信上传到您的申请中.
  5. 面试: This program requires an interview.
  6. 成绩单: An official transcript from each college/university you have attended is required. In order to be considered official, transcripts must be received directly from the original source, 电邮至 graduate@springfield.edu or mailed to the college address: 

斯普林菲尔德, MA 01109


All international applicants from non-English speaking countries are required, in addition to the items listed above, 提交:

  • Proof of English language proficiency by way of the TOEFL or IELTS. Other tests may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. 请参阅十大赌博信誉的平台的 语言要求 有关可接受考试、最低分数、豁免和有条件录取的更多信息. 如果你的本科学位是在美国获得的,并且你成功地完成了大学水平的英语, we will consider English language proficiency met.
  • 请注意: 成绩单必须是英文的. 如果成绩单不是英文的,您将被要求提交由任何成员完成的专业证书评估 National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). 对此,十大赌博信誉的平台建议 SpanTran, with its customized portal for 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 applicants. 世界教育服务 or 约瑟夫Silny & Associates Inc .). are also recommended for your credential evaluations.

国际招生办公室的工作人员可以通过电子邮件帮助您解决有关在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站注册为国际学生的问题 intladmissions@ply65.com.



Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis as space is available.



  • Application and Supporting Materials Deadline: 5月1日


  • Application and Supporting Materials Deadline: 10月1日


  • Application and Supporting Materials Deadline: 2月1日


Graduate Program Courses Cost per Credit 2022-2023: $1,178 per credit

Approximate Total Cost of Tuition (60 Credits): $70,680


Tech Fee (Per year): $575 (FT), $178 (PT)




  • 学生会费用:$21
  • 社区参与费:36美元
  • 娱乐费:324美元
  • 班级会费:15美元

** Full time based on 9 or more credit hours full time is charged $64 per semester, 兼职每学期20美元

的 graduate student fee (part time) is $87.每学期50.

Tuition and fee rates are subject to change.

  • Council for 认证 of Counseling & 相关教育项目
    500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350


Our program is fully accredited by the Council of the 认证 of Counseling and 相关教育项目 (CACREP) and graduates are eligible to sit for the national Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) 考试. With a few purposeful elective courses, 合适的实习, 实习, and post-master’s supervision requirements fulfilled, 在许多州,康复咨询专业的毕业生也可能有资格成为持牌心理健康咨询师(LMHC)和持牌专业咨询师(LPC). 建议学生与他们所在州的执照委员会核实十大赌博信誉的平台的课程是否符合他们所在州的执照要求.

凯萨琳绿色, 康复咨询项目主任兼十大赌博靠谱信誉网站咨询副教授, provides an overview of 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站's 康复咨询 program.

康复咨询...the Best Kept Secret in the Counseling Field

  • Holistic focus: consider individuals' biological, 心理, and 社会 factors that impact their ability to function in society
  • Goal is to help clients grow through self-advocacy; 心理, 社会, 行为, 职业干预
  • Serve individuals who have a variety of disabilities, 包括那些患有精神疾病的人, 物理, 发展, 认知, 情感障碍
  • One of the highest-paid counseling professionals



  • 教育
    • High school, higher education, transition services
  • 工作与职业
    • State-federal虚拟现实, 社区康复, 退伍军人康复, 私营企业虚拟现实保险, 残疾管理, 员工援助, 工人的补偿
  • 社区生活
    • 独立生活中心, 住宅项目, 支持住房, 娱乐, 休闲, 社会参与项目, 生活护理计划

Settings where graduates work post-graduate work:

  • 社区机构
  • 退伍军人事务部
  • 学校
  • 非营利组织
  • 商业及公司
  • 大专院校
  • 私人营利性机构
  • 专业领域:
    • 过渡
    • 专家证人/法医
    • 修正

Populations graduates may work with: 

  • In the field of rehabilitation counseling, 辅导员将与那些有先天性和/或后天残疾的人一起工作,包括精神残疾, 物理, 发展, 认知, 和情感

奖学金 & 奖学金

Let us help you make your graduate education as affordable as possible.


Work on our campus to earn money while pursuing your graduate degree.


Kelsey Poole, CRC, G'15

Imagine where your master's degree could take you. 现在来听凯尔西的故事. 听听她在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站研究生课程的经历如何帮助她现在体现了人文主义的哲学,即在精神上教育整个人, 心, and body for leadership in service to others.